
Natural Remedy for Reducing Leg and Foot Swelling

Written by Admin


1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
2–3 medium apples (sliced with peels)
1 teaspoon fresh ginger (sliced or grated)
4–5 cups water


Prepare the Ingredients: Slice the apples, leaving the skin on for added nutrients. Slice or grate fresh ginger.

Boil the Mixture: In a medium pot, add the water, apple slices, and ginger. Bring to a boil over medium heat.

Simmer: Once it reaches a boil, reduce the heat to low. Add the apple cider vinegar and let the mixture simmer for about 10–15 minutes.

Strain and Serve: Strain the liquid into a large bowl. Allow it to cool slightly until warm.

Soak Your Feet: Soak your feet or affected area in the warm mixture for 15–20 minutes. The warmth helps soothe muscles, while the ingredients work to reduce fluid retention.

Rinse and Dry: After soaking, rinse your feet with clean water, pat dry, and relax. For added effect, elevate your legs to improve circulation.

Repeat as Needed: You can do this soak once a day for a few days if swelling persists.
Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water helps your body flush out excess fluids.
Consult a Doctor: If swelling is persistent or painful, consult a healthcare provider to rule out underlying issues.

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